Auction Catalog

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Heads or Tails Entry

Friends of Seattle Lutheran HS

The Winner of this pre-Live auctions game wins a gift basket of wine and wine paraphernalia from West Seattle Thriftway.

The Winner of this pre-Live auctions game wins a gift basket of wine and wine paraphernalia from West Seattle Thriftway.

The Winner of this pre-Live auctions game wins a gift basket of wine and wine paraphernalia from West Seattle Thriftway.

The 50/50 Raffle

Friends of Seattle Lutheran HS

For just $10, enter yourself into the drawing for your chance at scoring cash! one lucky winner will be drawn for the split of the pot for ticket sales to this raffle!

For just $10, enter yourself into the drawing for your chance at scoring cash! one lucky winner will be drawn for the split of the pot for ticket sales to this raffle!

For just $10, enter yourself into the drawing for your chance at scoring cash! one lucky winner will be drawn for the split of the pot for ticket sales to this raffle!